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(Video) Fans Reacted heavily to Teni Twerk While Dr Dollars is Playing Video Game Apr 15, 2020 10:03 PM Teni's twerk (while Dr Dollars and another male friend playing game) has left many of her fans mouth-wide-open as many fans never believed Teni can twerk the way she did. This video is so viral to the extent that you will see it whenever you refresh your Twitter page as many of her fans keep retweeting it. The video had attracted more than 500 comments, over 52k views, over 1k retweet, and over 5k likes. Oba Orin popularly known as Teni took to her Twitter page and share this viral video with the caption "Isolate I’m the sexiest alive, who twerk pass me, NOBODYY" The comments showed that many of her fans adore her shape, her twerk and how playful Teni is. While her fans love the video, many of her fans wanted to know the relationship between Teni and Dr Dollars. See some of the reactions below See the viral video here

ction: No man has ever Approached Me since my Birth, I feel Like Ending my Life

ar 29, 2020 8:58 AM Since I Was Born, No Man Has Ever Approached Me Before. I Fell Like Ending My Life - 22years A young lady of 22-year-old has taken to a popular relationship blog to lament that she has never been asked out by any man in her entire life. I am 22 and no guys ever approach me (not even creepy or old guys approach me). My aunt came to visit me and told me that I need to start dating and finding someone since I have never had a bf before. She asked me if anyone has asked me out yet and I told her that no men ever approach me and she got shocked and surprised. Yea I don't understand either.........? People tell me many times that I have a very young looking face but should that stop men from approaching me? I don't know what to do about my nonexistent dating life. I feel like I am pretty much am about to be forever alone even though I am not ugly and I don't have any physical defects. I am not going to approach a guy so please don't tell me that is w

Need A Serious Man To Be My Husband And I Will Be Ready To Pay Him ₦50,000 Monthly Mar 28, 2020 10:40 AM My name is Jameela, I studied Biochemistry at Northwest University in Kano, said many of the girls in Nigeria both graduate and undergraduate wanted to get married, but the young men were afraid to approach them for fear of being told. Some look back because they are financially not stable, but most of the ladies out there are not after your money. Jameela disclosed this during a lecture by the university's student association, titled 'The Challenge of Marriage, in the 21st Century', presented on Thursday March 20, at the Yola High School, Kano. - She says most young men now come in love not only because they are married but also because the number of unmarried women increases every day. She gave the example of a young man who had been in love with her for 7 months, but when she considered marriage, he fled. She also blamed it, and the self-destructive nature of our lives led to an increase in the problem of divorce. Eniola said that s

See What Davido Did After His Fiancee Chioma Tested Positive For Mar 28, 2020 12:04 PM Remember the popular Nigerian artiste in the person of David Adeleke also know as Davido or simply OBO i.e Omo Baba Olowo. Recall some pictures surfaced online recently about the duo, people think the pictures are their traditional wedding events pictures, but the pictures was used for the video of his new songs 1milli, the popular Nigerian musician, songwriter and socialite dropped a new video clip recently starring his fiance, Chioma. The Davido Music Worldwide (DMW) boss drops the exciting video which portrays a colourful events similar to that of traditional wedding featuring his fiance Chioma. According to Channel News Television "Davido Goes Into Self-Isolation As fiancee, Chioma Tested Positive For COVID-19. Chioma Avril Rowland who is mother of Davido' first son (Ifeanyi Adeleke) currently tested positive for Coronavirus and she's under quarantine as a result of this, the 30bn Gang Boss, Davido himself goes into hiding by sel

Cardi B's Jumpsuit rips on while performing on stage. Mar 26, 2020 12:06 PM Cardi B's Jumpsuit rips on while performing on stage.(Shame) The rapper, 26, made her big return to the stage following complications from her liposuction and breast augmentation surgery for the Tennessee-based music festival. However, it wasn’t her health concerns that sabotaged her show on Sunday, but rather her jumpsuit. The Grammy winner wore a beaded and colorfully striped skintight jumpsuit for the concert that apparently couldn’t keep up with all of her twerking — ripping down the center of her backside and revealing much more than intended.But the “Press” singer proved herself to be a consummate professional, refusing to let the mishap ruin her set. She quickly stepped to the side of the stage, stripping off the bodysuit and finishing her show wearing a plush white bathrobe over a strapless nude bra. Clearly, the show must go on, sparkly catsuit or no. This is not the first time an incident like this has occurred. It is clearly rem