How a young corper spent all his alawee on girls

It's Friday. You make your first cash out as a Yahoo boy. These white females be too fast in catching feelings. They dont know what's goinon yet. You got sent a fifty dollar iTunes gift card. You've never been this happy. You go to the new corper girl that just moved into the compound newly to ask how much fifty dollar would be if converted into Naira. She tells it's big money o, that you're a big boy now and shouldn't be living in this kind of compound anymore. She tells you that you now have a share in the iTunes company. She tells you to show her small love. Somebody better tell Rick Ross the new boss is in town. HUH! You login your Facebook account, change your name to Sinzu Money Arab Spender. You even have the full video. You ring up your niggas to come shayo with you at the popular Cash and Carry bar. Five minutes later, you see them bursting in, all 'partied' up. How? You don't know. You don't care because you have big, big money to spend. iTunes ambassador like you? You order as many drinks your voice can call out. You tap the waitress' ass who has been serving the already drunk you with drinks. You ask who is her daddy. She doesn't reply. You are furious. You ask if she knows what you have. You ask her if knows how much you just cashed out. You scream; "Fifty dollars! Fifty fucking dollars. Have you ever seen that kind of money in your entire life?" The DJ at the bar stops playing the music. The people at the bar are dumbstruck. You turn to look for your friends. But, like Buhari's government, they are no where to be found. Eight Hours Later. You open your eyes. You realize you don't have both legs anymore. You feel a kidney is missing and your small intestine not functioning properly. Immediately, a message pops up on your phone. It's the Corper Girl. "Google converter works on Friday. - Corper '33K' Girl." If you catch her ehn, you will so destroy her life. But wait, you don't even have the legs anymore.


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