Do you know Bride price is different from Dowry...You need to see this

Bride price is defined as a marriage payment made by a prospective husband or his family to the family of the bride. the payment serves many functions: it symbolizes the socio-economic statuses of the families to be united maritally. It also establishes an economic tie between the two families to ensure the stability of the marriage and that of providing a bride with a means of replacing her by her daughter-in-law.
While Dowry on the other hand represents a gift in money or goods or both made by the bride's family towards the establishment of her husband. It was mostly practised in Europe among the upper economic stratum. The custom has now largely disappeared and has been replaced by the modern custom of providing a bride with household equipment and stock of new clothings.

In Nigeria as a place, though bride price is still commonly in place , it has also been modernized. The concentration is on the couple's relatives, friends and well wishers who provide goods or presents in various forms to strengthen the financial base of the new couple. In some cases, where payments are still demanded by the bride's family, this is usually a token or just a symbolic payment, often to the new couple. Bride price in whatever form functions as initial evidence of the economic support, cooperative and generosity which a man owes to his wife's close relatives and the promise of the future assistance as occasions may warrant.


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