women. Now, the score is a tie, however a popular view from survey highlights high sexual drive from men, while women enjoyed it most.

Sexual health is an essential component to overall health. As with all things, balanced is the key. Do women really have stronger drive than men? well is difficult to compare as some study after study have finger both sex respectively. let take a look below; MEN study show that men's sex drive are not only stronger than women's but much more straight forward. .Libido in men are often related to testosterone levels which naturally decline as men aged. Majority of adult under 50 think about sex at least once a day A study by Florida State University that found men want more sex than women do at all stages of the relationship. However, despite have a lower sex drive, women can have multiple orgasms - which implies women are having a better time in bed. “Once women have had one orgasm, they are ready to go again.“Men need time to recuperate (the refractory period). A gentle breeze is enough to get most men rock hard and ready to rumble. We should also mention that men get turned on for absolutely no reason whatsoever WOMEN The source of women libido , by contrast are much harder to pin down. women's sexual turn-on are more complicated than men's. What turns women on? Not even women always seem to know. it takes two hands, a mouth, spatial awareness, skillfully timed caresses, and perhaps the tears of Jesus to really get a woman going. 'Sexual desire in women is extremely sensitive to environment and context' say Edward Laumann PhD, a professor of sociology at the university of Chicago. example from study show many women at various times during pregnancy report a markedly increased interest in sex and often after pregnancy is over,the woman sex drive will return to normal while other women report an increased sex drive during menopause when ovaries stop producing estrogen and testosterone become more dominant. Nuns do better job of fulfilling their vows of Chasity than priest. Baumeister cites a survey of seven hundred clergy in which 62% of priest admitted to sexual activity, compared to 49% of nuns. The men reported more pa


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