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TRAVEL, TRAVEL ADVICE 14 Beautiful Places You Should Visit In the UK

14 Beautiful Places You Should Visit In the UK

Yup, there are so many beautiful places to visit in the UK. From the itty-bitty hamlets that are nestled within the Cotswolds to historic cities such as Edinburgh, we have an epic amount of places and probably some unusual traditions and that you should definitely experience. There really is so much more to the UK than just amazing London…
…I mean, who doesn’t love seeing locals running down a hill after wheels of cheese! (yup, an actual tradition).
Beautiful Places UK To See
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Anyway, before my love of everything cheese-based takes over,  take a look at these gems that are totally worth seeing on your next trip.

1.) Robin Hood’s Bay, Yorkshire

Exploring Ancient England - Robin Hood's Bay And Whitby Abbey
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Robin Hood’s Bay is one stunning little spot to visit on the north-east coast of England. This tiny little hamlet is nestled within the cliffs of Yorkshire and perched right on the Northern Sea coast. Now, the whole place has a pretty long history, dating back well over 1,000 years.
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Once a sleepy little fishing village (with no roads to the village), it became a smugglers haven… contraband alcohol was brought in the dark of night and burrowed within the many tunnels and cellars that were dug underneath the houses. Nowadays, a little glass of sherry isn’t illegal and there’s a good list of olde English pubs that dot the town!  🍺
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Anyway, make sure to visit the Old Post Office for some cake and a proper cup of Yorkshire tea. I mean, it’s Yorkshire after all, you’ve gotta have a good brew!

2.) Ullswater, The Lake District

The Perfect 4 Day Itinerary For Visiting England's Beautiful Lake District (19)
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The Lake District is the UK’s newest UNESCO World Heritage Site and one that you shouldn’t miss. Now, the whole region has quite a few lakes, with Windermere being the largest (and most popular). That being said, I have to be honest and say I prefer Ullswater (the 2nd largest) which is much quieter and on par (if not better, dare I say) than Windermere.
We stayed at the amazing Another Place: The Lake, which was amazing. From there, we took the Ullswater Steamer across the lake, hiked the local mountains and paddle boarded our way over the lake.
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The Perfect 4 Day Itinerary For Visiting England's Beautiful Lake District (13)
It’s a really special place to experience, especially if you want to enjoy a quieter side of the Lake District. It really is a beautiful place in the UK.
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3.) Cambridge, Cambridgeshire

Returning To Grand Old Cambridge! (47)
Cambridge is a relatively small city (by international standards, at least) but it packs a hefty punch on things you have to see and do. Make sure you visit King’s College and the King’s College Chapel, where you can still see a massive wooden screen that Henry VIII gave to Anne Boleyn as a gift. It still has their initials inscribed upon it.
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Returning To Grand Old Cambridge! (36)
For a tasty bite to eat, head over to Fitzbillies for one of their famous brunches and glorious homemade cakes.
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Make sure to head out punting on the River Cam and see the best views of the city from Great St. Mary’s Church (next time King’s College). Be warned, though, the historic stone tower shakes quite a bit when the bells are ringing.

14.) Malton, Yorkshire

Exploring Malton - The Food Capital Of Yorkshire, England (9)
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Possibly one of the best food spots in the UK. It’s a place that I guarantee you’ll fall head over heels for. Over the last 10 years, or so, this small market town has transformed from a sleepy little community to a bustling spot for amazing local food, Yorkshire produces that (without sounding too cheesy) are made with loads of love.
Spend the day wandering around the countless little stores and shops and make sure to indulge with mountains of freshly roasted coffee at ROOST and gorge on homemade gelato at Groovy Moo. Oh yeah, make sure to wear elasticated pants too! You’ll fill your tummy. 🤣
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You’re going to love this place.

4.) Bath, Somerset

24 Hours In Bath, England (39)
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The Roman city of Bath is one of the most beautiful places in the UK, especially for a city. The whole city centre is heavily protected, meaning its character and charm have been kept for us all to enjoy today.
Wander through the old Roman Baths, see the Royal Crescent and gorge on one of Sally Lunn’s Buns. In fact, take some home with you too, I guarantee you’ll want more than one.
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6.) The Scilly Isles

How To Get To The Isles Of Scilly - The UK's Most Tropical Island! (42)
Now, it’s not often you think of the UK as tropical but the Scilly Isles are just that. Because of where they ‘re situated (30 miles, or so), off the coast of Cornwall, this tiny group of islands benefit from the Gulf Stream that brings the lovely warm currents from the Caribbean.
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Fly over to the islands from Exeter or Newquay that’s near Watergate Bay (or take the ferry, too).
Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary's Island (59)
Once there, explore a few of the islands and find one gorgeous stone cottages to rent on one of the islands. Make sure to run to also rent a bike, head into the bay shallow waters for kayaking and wander the charming tropical gardens on Tresco Island. They really are some of the most beautiful places in the UK.
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First Impressions Of The Isles Of Scilly... (13)

7.) Edinburgh, Scotland

Re-Visiting Edinburgh - What's Changed In Scotland's Capital City In The Last 7 Years... (1)
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Edinburgh is one of my favourite Scottish cities. With thousands of years of history, a castle onto of an ancient volcanic butte and the picturesque old town, it really is a great place to dip into the beauty of a Scottish city. Be sure to check out the Royal Mile and Holyrood Palace (the Queen’s palace whilst in Edinburgh),
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Also, if it’s your first time in the city, check out some of these free things, some of the cities best bars and a few of Edinburgh’s secret spots that are hidden in plain sight.
Re-Visiting Edinburgh - What's Changed In Scotland's Capital City In The Last 7 Years... (2)

8.) Watergate Bay, Cornwall

This Is Easily The UK's Best Beach Holiday Destination - The Watergate Bay Hotel, Cornwall, UK (12)
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Watergate Bay is a gorgeous little beach spot that’s just so lovely. On the north coast of Cornwall, near Newquay, it’s a great place to unwind, do some surfing or just relax on the sandy beach.
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We stayed at the beautiful Watergate Bay Hotel, which is a perfect mix of laid-back luxury with none of the pomp. Plus, they have one of the best breakfasts I’ve ever eaten! Embrace the breakfast waffles and just indulge as must as possible.

9.) Portmeirion, Wales

11 Beautiful Places You Have To See In Wales (10)
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Nestled within Snowdonia National Park, right on the Cardigan coastline is a picturesque Italian village that’s is definitely one of the most beautiful places in the UK. Now, it’s not often you associate Italian villages with Wales but this place is just that. An Italian-Welsh village.
11 Beautiful Places You Have To See In Wales (16)
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If you’re blessed with a warm and sunny day, you won’t even believe you’re in the UK. It really is a secret little spot that you must visit when in this area.

10.) Cairngorms National Park, Scotland

Exploring The Natural Beauty Of The Scottish Highlands... (20)
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Possibly one of the UK’s largest National Parks, the Cairngorms is one vast place to explore. It’s easiest to visit the Cairngorms by car but you can also travel to train and arrange daily tours if you don’t drive.
Make sure to rent a bike, head into the countryside and really immersive yourself in this unspoilt landscape. Oh, also, stop for some epic cakes and Scottish tea at the Druie Restaurant Cafe – it’s a delicious little spot.
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For a little more strenuous activity, think about hiking on one of the well-established trails that criss-cross this region or take a quad bike tour of the countryside.
Finally, make sure to spot some deer. They’re some of the most famous residents here.

11.) The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

19 Stunning Things To See And Do Across Ireland (16)
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Okay, so The Dark Hedges in Northern Ireland has become a pretty popular spot to visit in recent years. I mean, the whole road looks incredible, especially with the twisted beech trees that line the lane. As we mentioned in our bumper Irish post, the easiest way to get here is by car The easiest way to visit and it’s best to follow the postcode of ‘BT53 8TP’ on Google Maps or your car’s GPS system.
Now, the road itself can get pretty busy with other visitors, so if you want a quieter view, head over early in the morning or just before sunset.
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12.) The Cotswolds, England

In Search Of The Most Beautiful Street In England - Arlington Row, Bibury (9)
This gorgeous area of England is as quaint as you can imagine. Think, rolling green hills, crooked little cottages and cosy little tea-shops to eat as many scones as possible. It really is a gorgeous area.
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There are a few places you should definitely visit, especially around Bibury to see one of the UK’s prettiest streets, Arlington Row. Another gorgeous spot is Castle Combe, head here for a little exploration of the village and head into the local, King John’s Hunting Lodge for a tasty lunch.
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There are a few other beautiful villages you should definitely see, like Bourton-on-the-Water, the gorgeous LacockBroadway and Stow-on-the-Wold. All are picture-perfect and some of the prettiest places to visit when in the area.
For a great spot to rest your head, head over to The Wood Norton Hotel, a grand old house that’s so stunning inside.
An Afternoon In The English Villages Of Broadway And Bourton-On-The-Water... The Cotswolds, England (55)
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13.) The Highlands, Scotland

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Now, it really is hard to pinpoint just one spot in the Highlands, I can easily run off a whole notebook of 50-or-so spots you should definitely see, which I popped into a full guide, here.
If you drive, this is one of the places to really head out and find some of the gorgeous spots that are scattered across the region.
The Most Beautiful Road In Scotland That You’ve Never Heard Of! (6)
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Make sure you head over to Bealach na Ba, which is one dramatic glacial valley to see. Also, don’t forget to make a pit-stop in beautiful ApplecrossTorridon and Plockton too.
If you have even more time, you can even pop over to the Isle of Skye via the ferry or the bridge link.
The Most Beautiful Road In Scotland That You’ve Never Heard Of! (12)

14.) Belfast, Northern Ireland

19 Stunning Things To See And Do Across Ireland (21)
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If you’re looking for a city vibe whilst in Northern Ireland, head over to Belfast, that’s about 60 -minutes from The Dark Hedges by car. The Titanic Belfast is also an incredible experience you should see, whilst the Ulster Museum is a great place to visit should the weather take a turn for the worse.
Oh, and don’t forget to gorge at The Muddlers Club who’ve created a scrumptious tasting menu.


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