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Kim has competition! Woman with a traffic-stopping 60 INCH bottom insists her curves are totally NATURAL - and she's been hailed as Africa's answer to the Kardashian star

Kim has competition! Woman with a traffic-stopping 60 INCH bottom insists her curves are totally NATURAL - and she's been hailed as Africa's answer to the Kardashian star

  • Eudoxie Yao from Abidjan, the Ivory Coast, happily flaunts her extreme figure
  • The African woman claims she has 'never had cosmetic surgery'
  • Says that Kim Kardashian is her idol and that her big bottom is genetic 
  • She has no idea what size she is and likes to customise her clothes to fit 
A woman with a bottom measuring an astonishing 60 inches claims that her curvy body is all down to good genes and not plastic surgery.
Eudoxie Yao, from Abidjan, Ivory Coast, is used to turning heads thanks to her extreme figure but insists that while her 'ultra sexy' may look like the result of several trips to plastic surgeons her look is actually all natural.
The model, who doesn't want to disclose her age, weighs 209lbs (14st 9lbs) and has got no desire to go on a diet and slim down her magnificent measurements.
And she's even been branded Africa's answer to her reality TV idol Kim Kardashian, whose success she hopes to emulate. 
'Someone who I'm a fan of is Kim Kardashian. I like her dress sense,' she explained. 'I've been compared to her, and what she does. She's definitely my role model.
'I've never had cosmetic surgery. Never, never, never in my life. I've always been like this. My elders have bigger bums than me. It's always been natural.
Eudoxie Yao has a bottom that measures 60-inches and claims it is all natural and not, like some might think, the result of plastic surgery
The social media star from the Ivory Coast says that her bottom is just down to good genes and has never had surgery
Kim Kardashian is Eudoxie's idol and says she hopes to break the internet just like the reality star did when she posed nude on the cover of Paper magazine
She added: 'When I leave my house, people are often surprised and shocked at seeing me.
'I stop traffic. People are shocked. But they never say anything to my face.
'I'd like to describe my look as ultra sexy. Before, it was all about looking thin. 
But now, men are more attracted to women with curves. I think it's changed a lot.'
Eudoxie says that she has no idea what size she is, instead ordering clothes online and customising them to fit her extreme figure
Her unusually large bottom and tiny waist is apparently the results of her genes
She likes to pose for belfies just like her hero Kim
Eudoxie, who is also known as 'Queen Eudoxie', on social media plans to become famous for her curves
Rather than cover up her ample behind, Eudoxie, happily flaunts it. 
Squeezing into skintight jeans, Lycra dresses and tiny shorts, the African beauty has no idea what size she actually is – and no intention of finding out. 
Buying clothes in super-small sizes, Eudoxie customises – in other words cut garments she deems too conservative.  
She said: 'I wear a lot of stretchy clothes. I don't know what my clothes size is.
'When I buy clothes, I don't like clothes that are too big. I like smaller clothes! I like tight fitting clothes, if they're not, I'll snip them.'
Wearing too-small-for-her outfits hasn't always worked out for Eudoxie, who said: 'Sometimes, I can't fit into them,' even admitting that her ample curves have ripped clothes.
She says that her behind 'stops traffic' and that people are often so shocked when they see her they do a double take
Eudoxie likes to flaunt her figure rather than hide it and says that people have mocked her for her look online
Eudoxie, who is known as 'Queen Eudoxie' on social media, added: 'People with a figure like mine don't tend to wear tight fitting clothes. 
'They prefer to wear clothes that hide their shape. I don't do that. I like to show off my shape, and that can shock people. People like me would normally cover up entirely. I do the opposite. That's why I've now become famous.'
She has now amassed close to half a million followers on Instagram. 
The social media star regularly posts pictures of herself in underwear and bikinis to her subjects; she also makes appearances at events in the Ivory Coast and now struggles to leave her home without passersby stopping her in the street to take selfies with her.
She said: 'Now I'm a conversation topic. I go to countries and fans treat me like an artist. I've become a celebrity. I appear on TV, I go to events. Sometimes I present shows as a hostess.'
The curvy woman says that she has no desire to go on a diet and slim down her magnificent measurements
Squeezing into skintight jeans, Lycra dresses and tiny shorts, the African beauty has no idea what size she actually is
Although always confident, Eudoxie confesses when she first posted photos of herself on social media, the cruel comments she received hit her hard.
'There have never been times when I haven't felt attractive. When I began showing myself off on social media the negative comments used to really hurt me at the start,' she said.
'Often I'd read them and cry over them. Not in front of people, but I cried. Now I just ignore the nasty comments. I think those who write nasty comments aren't particularly happy.'
The social media star says she eats whatever she likes and now welcomes the attention.
'I'm not on any diet. I eat whatever I want. I have tried to slim down on my arms, but other than that, it's all natural. 
'People have mocked me for my physique. I've put on weight and I accept it.'
'No one is going to tell me how to dress, how I should be. I love my curves! I can say now I love my shape!'
Eudoxie admits that her tight clothes haven't always worked well as they have ripped
She has to customise her clothes to fit
Eudoxie says she dresses for herself, not for men or social media followers and she intends to keep doing so
Finding a man who can handle her extreme curves, as well as the attention they receive, has not been so easy.
Eudoxie said: 'There are lots of men that are intimidated by me.
'There are others that dream about seeing me. And when they see me, they can't hide their joy!
'I attract all types of men,' she added, describing her perfect type as someone genuine and kind, 'fat or thin'. 
Ultimately Eudoxie says she dresses for herself, not for men or social media followers and she intends to keep doing so, celebrating her very big behind.
'People don't like how I dress. They want me to be completely covered.
'People judge me a lot on social media because of my appearance and style.
'They say I dress too 'sexy'. They say, with my figure, I dress in a vulgar way.


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